Unlocking E-commerce Success for Local Hong Kong Businesses

13th of July 2023 ~ tagged hong kong, e-commerce

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on e-commerce for local Hong Kong businesses. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing e-commerce has become crucial for businesses to thrive. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits, challenges, and strategies that can help local businesses in Hong Kong successfully navigate the world of online selling. Whether you're a brick-and-mortar store looking to expand your reach or a new entrepreneur entering the market, this guide will provide you with valuable insights to unlock your e-commerce success.

How the Pandemic Has Affected Web Design Trends in Hong Kong

21st of July 2021 ~ tagged Covid 19, Coronavirus, digital payments

We’ve all had a rough eighteen months, but the Hong Kong ecommerce market rocketed, and even with the easing of covid restrictions, that growth shows no sign of slowing down. Recent research from Statista indicates that Hong Kong’s ecommerce market will reach $7.6 billion by the end of the year, showing a 10.5% annual growth rate until it reaches a staggering $11.3 billion by 2025.

Top Hong Kong Ecommerce Website Trends for 2021

1st of February 2021 ~ tagged ecommerce, must-have, augmented reality, parallax, gaussian

Ecommerce has shown phenomenal growth in Hong Kong in 2020, with no signs of stopping - annual revenue is projected to reach US$7598m in 2021 with average spend at a stunning (and specific) US$1375.89 per user. With its excellent internet speeds, 5.5m internet users and one of the most smartphone reliant markets in the world, Hong Kong remains a great option for launching an ecommerce business.

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